Fairchance Sewer Line Extension
Fairchance Sewer Line Extension Uniontown, Pennsylvania, USA Xypex products used: Bio-San C500 For this sewer line extension, the manholes along the force main required protection from microbial induced corrosion. Liners or coatings would normally be used to perform this function. As these are expensive and time consuming to install, the engineers decided to specify […]
Chatham Park WWTP
Chatham Park WWTP Pittsboro, North Carolina, USA Xypex products used: Admix C-500, Bio-San C500 Chatham Park is 7,000 acre mixed-use development, including: commercial, retail, entertainment, hotel, restaurant and office spaces as well as 22,000 residential units. A wastewater treatment plant was constructed specifically for this development. Due to the potentially high levels of H2S in the […]
Firestone Celebrates 20 Years of Trusted TPO Roofing
Firetone Building Products Celebrates Two-Decade Milestone of Trusted TPO Roofing Systems The only manufacturer in the industry to maintain its proven TPO formulation for 20 years. On 9 June 2016 (Indianapolis) – Firestone Building Products Company, LLC , a leading manufacturer and supplier of a comprehensive “Roots to Rooftops” product portfolio, celebrated its 20th anniversary […]
4 Parking Garage Expansion Joint Covers
CS offers a range of expansion joint covers which have been designed to meet the demanding movement conditions found in parking structures. There is a solution to suit any indoor or outdoor parking solution. Parking Seals Traditional winged seals with elastomeric concrete fail regularly. In typical applications wheeled impact causes hairline cracks in the elastomeric […]