CS fire barrier joint openings 25mm & up

Our fire and vapor barrier systems are designed to be used with most of our expansion joint cover assemblies. Each model is fire rated for either two or three hours, and allow for lateral shear, which is feature unique to the industry. All fire barrier systems are third-party tested for optimal performance.

Fire is an ever-present danger. The ‘chimney effect’ created by an unprotected expansion joint may actually advance its spread

Construction Specialties’ fire barrier systems are available to cover all building regulation requirements, whilst ensuring that performance is maintained during any building movement.

Why CS Fire Barrier Systems

CS Fire Barrier systems can be installed more easily and in much less time than most conventional fire barrier systems.

This is due to the simple components that make up the systems, and because no fire caulks or complicated and expensive transition mitres are required for installation.

Construction Specialties Fire Barrier Systems have been manufactured and tested to provide optimum fire protection when properly installed in the intended environment.

However, no amount of testing can guarantee a 2-hour rating in every application. For that reason we urge you to contact us direct or to contact your local CS representative for selection assistance during the initial stages of project development.

For more on CS Fire Barriers Click Here 

How to Prepare & Install a Fire Barrier

  • Be sure to select the appropriately UL listed product for the application
  • Check that your job site conditions are the same as the UL Listing
  • Surface mounted covers require a square, clean joint
  • Blockouts must be level for recessed covers
  • Set the substrate at the correct elevation prior to the fire barrier installation
  • Drywall must be installed on the inside of the joint
  • Joint edges must be parallel to one another
  • Be sure the proper blocking connection points are made, if applicable (Typically needed in 2 hour rating situations)
  • Be mindful of floor fire barriers above and below for proper transitioning