Mitchell Interchange Tunnels

Mitchell Interchange Tunnels Wisconsin, USA The I-94 North – South Freeway is one of Wisconsin’s most important transportation corridors. This section of the freeway was in need of a major re-structuring to significantly reduce congestion and improve travel safety. A critical component of this project is the Mitchell Interchange comprising, amongst other things, three […]
Sydney Harbour Tunnel

Sydney Harbour Tunnel Sydney, Australia Commencing in September of 1991, repair systems using Xypex Concentrate and Patch’n Plug were used as part of an ongoing program of repair and maintenance of the North and South land driven tunnels and transition tunnels of this renown structure. Xypex products were selected ahead of some 52 others […]
J-PARC Synchrotron Tunnel

J-PARC Synchrotron Tunnel Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan The Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) is a new high intensity proton accelerator using MW class high power beams up to 50 GeV – the highest beam power of any accelerator in the world. Because of the sensitivity of this synchrotron and the radioactive processes involved, protecting it […]